Use "raised an objection|raise an objection" in a sentence

1. 15 The Commission raised an objection of inadmissibility against that action .

2. 7 One MP raised an objection on a point of order.

3. None of them raised any objection.

4. The fact that an objection is raised has to be notified to all authorities involved.

5. Objection is rejected by an absolute majority or Objection is rejected by a 2/3 majority

6. Some managers have recently raised objection to the PFA handling these negotiations.

7. Whereas those exporters, representing all the trade concerned, have raised no objection,

8. The type of response to the objection depends on the type; price or value objection, product/service objection, and procrastinating objections.

9. If the householder presents an objection, gently try to continue the conversation.

10. It involves the use of an objection as a stimulus to buy.

11. Requests to make an objection shall specify the datum or data concerned

12. The Prosecutor looked toward Napoleon, waiting for him to thunder an objection.

13. 14 – The ‘buttressing’ objection.

14. That is confirmed, moreover, by the Court's dismissal of an objection to admissibility.

15. There is a preponderant objection: popularity is worthless as an index of quality.

16. : to raise trivial and frivolous objection The author cAviled about the design of the book's cover.

17. : to raise trivial and frivolous objection The author Caviled about the design of the book's cover.

18. The Prosecutor looked toward Napoleon,[] waiting for him to thunder an objection.


20. You've no objection, I trust.

21. The judge sustained the lawyer's objection.

22. (51) Moreover, no objection can be raised that the new provision impedes (lawful) paid advertising of a work.

23. 5 After making an objection which was not upheld, Mr Mueller brought an action before the Verwaltungsgericht, Trier .

24. Non-requirement of confirmation of an objection formulated prior to formal confirmation of a reservation

25. Please present your objection to the plan.

26. 18 The judge sustained the lawyer's objection.

27. Non-requirement of confirmation of an objection made prior to formal confirmation of a reservation

28. Conscientious objection, absence without leave and desertion

29. I have no objection to your request.

30. I have no objection to your proposal.

31. She broke in with a ridiculous objection.

32. 13 Without expressly raising an objection of inadmissibility, the Commission queries the admissibility of the action.

33. His objection was ruled out of order.

34. Whether Cursing is a mortal sin? Objection 1

35. Both objections rest on a yet broader objection.

36. Her objection was that he was too young.

37. The vote passed the Tribal Council without objection.

38. There is a further fundamental objection, generally overlooked.

39. I have no objection to banks making money.

40. The fear of punishment for conscientious objection, absence without leave or desertion is investigated on an individual basis.

41. My objection is that he is too young.

42. I'd like to come too, if you've no objection.

43. His objection was ruled to be out of order.

44. 8 His objection was ruled out of order.

45. He has a rooted objection to cold baths.

46. However, now another objection begins to loom large.

47. A Complaint is an objection to something that is unfair, unacceptable, or otherwise not up to normal standards

48. Any requirements to file an objection notice along with the motion still apply - even though it is Agreed

49. The objection to the claim is that it is mere assertion or, more kindly, an act of faith.

50. 24 A request that prosecution witnesses be tendered for examination was not tantamount to an objection under s

51. He has a strong objection to getting up early.

52. She had no objection to a little mild flirtation .

53. The fear of punishment for conscientious objection, absence without leave or desertion is investigated on an individual basis

54. One other objection and our Carpings shall be dumb

55. I have no objection to him coming to stay.

56. Proper specification of the grounds of objection was required.

57. Does the prosecution have any objection to expedited sentencing?

58. I'd like to come too, if you have no objection.

59. The headmaster is trying to knock off every objection.

60. My objection was based on considerations other than difficulty.

61. And this is the main objection to the theory.

62. Caviling: The act of raising captious and frivolous objections; an objection of a captious nature: as, “cavillings and menacings,”

63. Your objection knocked the bottom out of my original plan.

64. 19 The headmaster is trying to knock off every objection.

65. As the House and Senate met separately to discuss an objection to counting Arizona’s certified election results, rioters Breached the …

66. “OBJECTION: Your Honor, the question Assumes facts not in evidence

67. 11 His objection was ruled to be out of order.

68. He has a strong objection to getting up so early.

69. Her objection to/against the plan is based on incorrect facts.

70. Barker made no objection, through his counsel, to the first 11 continuances

71. Objection as to the admissibility of certain pleas and the related evidence

72. CFBC has no objection to the closure of the road crossing.

73. The admissibility of an application is not at the discretion of the parties, since a bar to proceeding with the case is mandatory and the Court is under an obligation to rule on an objection of that nature raised by one of the parties.

74. However I have no objection if my wife works as a prostitute.

75. The following year, Father was imprisoned for his conscientious objection to warfare.

76. Cantor had no objection to their working late; he even encouraged it.

77. Objection to the reservations made by Brunei Darussalam upon accesion: Finland ( # ebruary

78. The Advisory Committee has no objection to the operational requirements proposed for BINUB.

79. No objection to this course of action was voiced in the Advisory Committee,

80. The bill had to be withdrawn in response to vociferous and widespread objection.